eye infections

3 Common Eye Infections - Their Symptoms and Treatment

There is a popular saying in Sanskrit - ‘Sarvendhriyanam Nayanam Pradhanam’ which translates to ‘Eyes are the most important organs in the body’. The eye has been given a tremendous priority in human life even in the ancient medicine. Due to the increased number of infections caused by viruses, bacteria and fungus eyes are getting affected by various health conditions.

Eye infections could be dangerous if not treated. The symptoms of eye infection vary. However, few eye infections show the same symptoms. It all starts with your eyes itching and turning into a shade of red causing burning sensation. You may also feel pain, discomfort, a feeling that makes you think that something is stuck in the eye and painful lump in your eyes.

The eyes look swollen or crusty and you can see a discharge that is in yellow-shade or in white and look become blurry if your eyes have been infected. Consultation with the ophthalmologist is recommended if you are experiencing any of the above-mentioned symptoms. The doctor may suggest the treatment based on the infection type.

There are various types of infections based on the cause of it. However, the symptoms and the complications of all eye infections would be almost same.


  • Also known as the Pinkeye, conjunctivitis affects the conjunctiva and causes the eye to turns into the pink or red shade.
  • There are various reasons for this infection such as cold, bacterial infections and viral infections in the body.
  • This infection is mostly observed in the children and it is highly contagious. If you see the Pinkeye in the newborn babies, seek medical help immediately as it could damage the eye permanently.
  • To reduce the infection and its symptoms, follow the medications as prescribed.
  • Wash your hands regularly with fresh water and clean any discharge from the eyes with a fresh cotton ball or towel.
  • Touching or rubbing the infected eye may increase the burning sensation.

2. Stye

  • This infection causes red bumps on or at the base of the eyelashes causing pain whenever you blink.
  • This infection occurs when the oil glands in the eyelids are closed by oil blocks and get infected by the bacteria.
  • It looks like a pimple in the eyelids. Takes more time to get burst and heal. Some styes heal on their own but few need proper medical care.
  • Do not touch the styes with bare hands as hands may induce more bacteria on to the stye.
  • Gently wash it with a baby oil at least thrice a day till they get healed. Also, apply warmed up clothe on the stye for 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Do not try to squeeze the stye and avoid using makeup till the stye completely gets healed. If not healed, consult the doctor.


  • Keratitis is a common infection of cornea especially in the people who wear contact lenses regularly.
  • The common symptoms of keratitis are eye pain, photophobia, blurred vision, tearing and redness.
  • Bacteria are responsible for keratitis and the scars in the front surfaces of the cornea allow the bacteria to cause the infection.
  • The opened scars on the surface of cornea could be occupied by any type of bacteria including atypical mycobacteria.
  • The diagnosis of keratitis needs to be precisely before the treatment as any scars in the surface of cornea left untreated, could re-initiate the infection again.

These are few eye infections that are common in both children and adults. Eye infection treatment in India is getting popular day-by-day. Check the symptoms and reach-out for medical help if you are infected with any of this eye infections.